
This is an introduction to Buildly’s Core.


Docker version 19+

Buildly Core repo

Fork or clone the repository


Setting up Buildly Core

Make sure you have docker up and running then build the image:

docker-compose build # --no-cache to force dependencies installation

Next run the web server:

docker-compose up # -d for detached

Access the web server at

User: admin Password: admin.

To run the web server with Python debugger support:

docker-compose run --rm --service-ports buildly

Configuring the API authentication

All clients will interact with our API using the OAuth2 protocol, in order to configure it, go to admin/oauth2_provider/application/ and add your new application there.

Generating RSA keys

To use JSON Web Token as the authentication method, you will need to configure public and private RSA keys.

To generate the public and private keys run the following commands:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

The private key will stay in Buildly and the public one will be supplied to your microservices in order to verify the authenticity of the message.

Running the tests

To run the tests (without flake8) and have Python debugger open on error:

docker-compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/run-tests.sh --keepdb

To run the tests with flake8:

docker-compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/run-tests.sh --ci

For more tesing options enter:

pytest --help