.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== This is an introduction to Buildly's Core. Prerequisites ---------- Docker version 19+ Buildly Core repo ---------- Fork or clone the repository https://github.com/buildlyio/buildly-core Setting up Buildly Core ---------- Make sure you have docker up and running then build the image: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose build # --no-cache to force dependencies installation Next run the web server: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up # -d for detached Access the web server at User: `admin` Password: `admin`. To run the web server with Python debugger support: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --rm --service-ports buildly Configuring the API authentication -------------------------------- All clients will interact with our API using the OAuth2 protocol, in order to configure it, go to `admin/oauth2_provider/application/` and add your new application there. Generating RSA keys ------------------- To use JSON Web Token as the authentication method, you will need to configure public and private RSA keys. To generate the public and private keys run the following commands: .. code-block:: bash openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048 openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem *The private key will stay in Buildly and the public one will be supplied to your microservices in order to verify the authenticity of the message.* Running the tests ----------------- To run the tests (without flake8) and have Python debugger open on error: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/run-tests.sh --keepdb To run the tests with flake8: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run --entrypoint '/usr/bin/env' --rm buildly bash scripts/run-tests.sh --ci For more tesing options enter: .. code-block:: bash pytest --help